Behind the Scenes
Filming in Ramona, California

”Hemet hints at racial undertones and portrays those in power slowly turning on one another. [...] There is an underlying strong message wrapped up in witty quips.”
”There’s something curiously dated about the whole concept: bath-salts zombies and COVID now largely occupy the same state in the collective consciousness of, “Oh, yeah: I remember it. That shit was cray-zee…” But the combination works for a scenario which consciously is not concerned with trying to take place in the “real” world, so much as be a parable. Albeit one which takes wild, swinging punches at everything from capitalism to pandemic response.”

”From such inherently political materials, Olmos and Butler build a crude, grotesque satire in which everyone’s ugly side is accommodated..”
”For those who like something truly strange and unusual, this film is for you. It has heart, grit, laughs, and bloodshed.”
Production Companies
Produced in association with Rosewood Five and Irontree Entertainment
Distributed by BayView Entertainment
Seeking outside talents to collaborate on fresh new ideas.
© 2024. All rights reserved.